An epileptic man (Myshkin) returns from medical treatment abroad and finds himself in love with Nastasia. There are twists and turns as the he gets engaged to another woman (Amba) only to have an epileptic seizure. Nastasia and he get betrothed but on the wedding day she goes to her rich pursuer (Pawan) only to be killed by him. Both men wait together for the police. Ultimately...
《白痴》是一部惊世骇俗的作品,一群不满现实的年轻人扮成“白痴”玩起了“撒旦的游戏”,影片表面上说的是正常社会对有智力**的人的歧视,实际上是为他们抗辩,一群年轻人探寻着自己的****和精神局限,在对传统进行快意颠覆、对常规思维进,行**的同时获得**,而导演也想借拍摄此片来说明拍Dogma电影虽然被很多人称为是“白痴”行为,其实他们只不过是想重返更个人化、更简单和自由的创作手法 。