圣诞仙境原名:Christmas Wonderland,
"Heidi (Osment), who initially left her small town of Pleasant Valley with the dream of one day becoming a successful painter, has put her own art on hold to excel as an art gallery curator. Now, a week before the gallery's big Christmas *****, she must return home to watch her niece and nephew. She comes face to face with her high school love, Chris, now a teacher, who is in o...
Ryan Rottman能劳模点吗,就一点点😓
Emily Osmentz真的很像Kate McKinnon 神似 因为Kelly Hu而看的这部 简直是童年**了 而且明明全片只有十几分钟不到的镜头 海报竟然还有一席之地 可以看出也是噱头了 剧情就不多说了 Christmas movie 都懂的