床上和平原名:Bed Peace,
Through stories and photographs, many never widely seen before, Give Peace a Chance will offer a chance to sit on the edge of the Bed-In, Suite 1742 at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal between May 26 and June 2, 1969. John Lennon and Yoko Ono used their bed as a way to put themselves and their message in the center of a searing spotlight, demonstrating through their vulner...
"We tell American kids how beautiful democracy is and you've got to ask yourself the question, if democracy is so **** good, why have we got to go all over the world trying to ram it down people's throat with a gun?'" "A civilized society, the first thing they give them is the tidbit, the tokenism."
我主要对那个第一个提问的人的 你不能代表我 印象太深了。
约翰·列侬和小野洋子用他们的床作为一种方式,把自己和他们的信息放在灼热的聚光灯下,通过他们的脆弱和开放展示他们对自己信仰的坚定支持。从来没有名人夫妇用他们的床作为**的地方,以前也没有人如此亲自和通过电话与世界联系。“我们要像别人卖肥皂一样卖和平,”列侬对一位年轻、有成就的摄影师格里·戴特说,他为《生活》杂志工作。戴特是我们在酒店房间里的眼睛,在整个八天的卧房里,他是唯一的摄影师。他决心捕捉这一场景的精髓——尤其是**夫妇在许多亲密时刻的爱情。他还坦率地抓住了来访的名人:蒂莫西·利瑞、汤米·斯莫斯、**** Gregory、阿尔·卡普、K. 默里和其他人。
最後幾分鐘好感人 所以yoko永遠都沒再嫁,這麼美好愛情 一輩子只要一次,就足夠活完一輩子
很珍贵也很别致的纪录片 令人羡慕
总觉得上个世纪 60 年代的人真好啊。可爱、热血、理想主义。我也想有这样的爱情。可是在找到洋子之前,首先得变成列侬吧!