狗、仿生人、消防员和番茄原名:D.A.F.T.,又名D.A.F.T.: A Story About Dogs, Androids, Firemen and Tomatoes
Videos include: Da Funk, Around the World, Burnin, Revolution 909, Fresh, Rollin & Scratching live in L.A. Also includes exclusive unreleased material, behind the scenes documentaries, remixes from Armand Van Helden and ****.
Spike Jonze的那段 "Da Funk",日后他的科幻短片[I'm Here]的主题和表现方式是从这儿来的。
天哟~!你说为啥人脑子里就会有这么奇妙的想法!all around the world 真的赞
D.A.F.T. : A Story About Dogs, Androids, Firemen And Tomatoes:https://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNjcxMDY0Njk2.html —— 曾经的“踏破铁鞋无觅处”,如今的“得来全不费工夫”。
@KINO 第一次见附赠内容比正片长( 几个短片蛮有意思的,呜呜又听见around the world了😢 所以Coldplay的paradise的mv里的大象🐘人是致敬这个狗人吗。