Dames of Classic Drama at the BBC
Today, they are at the centre of British cultural life and among our greatest exports - the acting dames, an exclusive club of stage and screen greats who were honoured for their services to drama. But, lurking in the *** archives - from long before their talents were recognised by royal decree - we find the early work and some career defining moments of Judi Dench, Maggie Smit...
每一位都经历并见证了历史啊……there is nothing like a dame
"Time for another ***"...
1)各位Dame都没怎么变,每一位年轻时候的每一段戏都能一眼认出来;2)采访的时候怎么都在抽烟!3)看到Redgrave在A Picture of Katherine Mansfield 里那一段时正在边吃饭边看,没好好听旁白。心里想:呦这位男演员是谁可真好看……下一秒豆瓣上查了一下差点儿没踹自己一脚。
啊哈哈哈这个片尾曲也太可爱了There's nothing like a dame...