35 Downhill又名The Road to Eilat
The story revolves around 35-year-old Ben who’s depressed and unemployed, and who turns up in his native kibbutz with a wife and child in tow to ask his old, diabetic father, Albert, with whom he has always had a tricky relationship, for **** recovering the family apartment in Warsaw, which was taken from them during the Second World War. But Albert has other plans. During a mo...
父子公路电影 其实完全不适合做parents的人 就应该有把上一代的curse结束在自己这一代的自觉 到老了再去试图修复弥补一些什么 就显得可怜之人更有可恨之处了 不喜欢的部分是唯一出现的女性角色人设性格可谓是一塌糊涂 但结尾的那段海底告别又特别好