点,线和面原名:Point and Line to Plane,
A young woman attempts to extract meaning from an intense loss as she encounters signs in her daily life and through the art of Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky. Point and Line to Plane portrays the phenomenon of magical thinking endured during an individual’s journey to process, heal and document a period of mourning.
很流动很私人,我想这本是一篇很忧伤的日记,而她把日记拍成了电影。色盲的男孩和她一样喜欢康定斯基,男孩眼里的颜色是什么样的呢?“if u can hear me, answer me with the sound of color."拍手机的画面比我想象得要好,最近一直在想怎么在电影里拍手机,她睡觉的时候把手机放在腰上,失眠的时候,“iphone提醒我电量不足10%”。最喜欢里面一段拍她自己使用胶片摄影机拍电影的镜头,后来发现pressure plate没有锁好,于是影像会颤抖,会呼吸。
#FIDMarseille# 7.5/10 温柔呢喃的情感萦绕。
72/100 #NYFF2020Virtual#49 #shorts#7 art as meditation
I took the stairs two at a time, trying to be quiet, and flew into ** room, closing the door tightly behind me.
10/13/2020, @ NYFF58 Virtual Cinema.