梦墙原名:Dreaming Walls,又名梦就在隔壁、Dreaming Walls: Inside the Chelsea Hotel
The legendary Chelsea Hotel, an icon of 1960s counterculture and a haven for famous artists and intellectuals including Patti Smith, Janis Joplin and the superstars of Warhol’s Factory, is under renovation. Soon it will reopen to the public as one of New York’s most fashionable luxury hotels. Dozens of people, most in their later years, still live amidst the scaffolding and con...
在最后,老太太问导演are u coming with me打破了前面一直安静存在的摄影机。每次看片的心情都是不同的,这次我也纳闷,怎么面对一个如此平,似乎没什么剧情的片子竟然没有睡着。大概能够在80分钟里沉浸在每一个租客或艺术或随性的生活里,像爱丽丝梦游仙境一样穿梭在修葺不佳的楼里,就是一件幸福的事
叠画,古老的幽灵,墙=银幕,聚居与自觉禁锢,现代艺术的边界,***折叠。/导演前作:大象与蝴蝶 (没错 就是蓝**那个酒店!
B/70|整部电影除了Merle的部分与酒店有实际的联系之外,酒店对其他角色来说只成为了单调的背景板。最终的影片呈现与导演实际意图完全不符,开头摄影轻摇营造的***** vibe荡然无存,成为单纯的portrait observational doc。请舞蹈演员在酒店里做形体表演reconstruction可能更好。随酒店消失的,是现代艺术(New York)的消亡#2022CPH:DOX#
@Berlinale72 关于「Chelsea Hotel后来怎么样了」的纪录片,处处是nostalgia.
#EFM22 有些陈词滥调了,尽管是一部主题有趣的作品,挖掘的也有很多是大众未知的内容。
for the ones like us who are oppressed by the figures of beauty
读儿童书的那一段太感动了,love you, leave you, love you, leave you
We are born originals and *** copies.