Field Niggas
'The combination is ******: a lot of slow motion portraiture combined with a soundtrack of snippets of people's conversation and interview. This straightforward method yields one of the most powerful and compassionate statements on race, on politics, on class, on policing, on drugs, that I've encountered in contemporary American cinema.'
[3.5/5.0] 話音分離看久了很煩。
86/100 因为有大量浅焦特写,因而是比较能直接感受到Allah影像优点的一部,非常能够说*观众street portrait如何能有效转化成摄影与剪辑、**与听觉作为关键的电影艺术,哈莱姆区街头的人性以及其中包含的**复杂性得到充分展示,声音与画面在分离的同时具备忧郁且关切的黏性,这与杜拉斯的非常不同。几乎所有对话都像是即兴的,这不仅增加了已经明显的现实主义,而且几乎将电影的气氛推向了药效、病例、超验或心理上的超现实主义。比较有趣的是靠近结尾处导演对他自我于电影中存在的阐释:observing god.