副本人原名:Single Copy,
When three-year-old conjoined twins were separated in ****** in 1979, the surgery was broadcast live on television, in just one of a series of mediations through which their bodies were represented and mythologized. Blending real and fictive iterations, filmmaker Hsu Che-Yu collaborates with the lone surviving twin, now 43, digitally scanning his body, recreating moments from h...
#Giloo-台新艺术奖20周年展# #补标复健# 许哲瑜的影像实验有种媒介人类学的味道,从媒介技术的角度映照个人、社会、政治、历史的盘根错节,使主体身在其中的场景变成不无诡异的他者,于过往和未来的交叉中重新审视生命与存在。1.15
反覆的行為 電影是一個早已預先被打造好的舞台
#NYFF2020Virtual#29 #shorts#5 很私人,建模装置有点怪
Audio-Visual课上。 很杂乱,很多旁白,重复,长镜头。 看到最后反而不知道到底想表达什么。