国家与我原名:L’état et moi,又名The State and Me
In L’état ** moi, Max Linz invents a composer named Hans List, who fought on the barricades of the Paris Commune in 1871 and now wakes up to a new life in the present, moving through Berlin-Mitte sans papiers. His composition “Les Misérables“ is being rehearsed at the State Opera, which he appears in incognito as an extra. Sophie Rois plays two roles in the film, that of List a...
#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-VOD, Forum。妥妥可以标个喜剧,浮夸间离的表演效果,哈哈哈笑死我了(据说好多双关语谐音梗,除了“作曲家”和“GC主义者”之外没发现别的,不懂语言真可惜……),跟去年看尤利***德迈耶真是差不多的感觉(好像这俩导演关系挺好的)。算是个老梗新编,一人分饰两角(但一个男一个女哈哈哈哈),居然还是个穿越片……因此也就成了又一部“幽灵电影”(金句:如果我们想要放逐从过去而来的鬼魂,我们需要新的文本),虽然是来自巴黎公社的幽灵,但身处当下的柏林,处理的还是今日德国的问题。