哈佛健儿原名:Brown of Harvard,
*** Brown shows up at Harvard, confident and a bit arrogant. He becomes a rival of Bob McAndrew, not only in football and rowing crew, but also for the affections of Mary Abbott, a professor's daughter.
Jack Pickford這條線竟然暗藏同志情節…
4.5stars. pretty good student sport film.
#But The Sacrifice Today Becomes A Tradition Of Tomorrow…# 除了不得不出的车祸外,还有不看脸色的大雨,将人困在床上的重感冒和致命的肺炎(不能接受):怎么能这么窝囊,减肥减到痛苦时暴食也只敢大口大口将水煮青菜往嘴里塞,想出门的周三,依然找不到人的低落的周三 (Francis X. Bushman Jr.和William Haines让Jack Pickford变得那么的不起眼 ) Cast:(目的 — 这简直令人难以置信)默女Mary Brian