汉密尔顿 一炮而红百老汇原名:Hamilton, One Shot to Broadway,
The remarkable story of how a group of inspired mavericks made an unlikely marriage of hip-hop and history the biggest musical show in America...and are getting ready to ******* the world.
详情移步 同名微博 和 同名B站啦!
怎么给hamilton 吹彩虹屁都不为过, 纪录片本身信息量并不多
昨儿通过日报*****直播看的,终于有机会看behind the scene story了,希望哪天可以看一场完整的。Lin七年磨剑,我们有什么理由不努力呢?继续**翻译提升自己!
2022.5.24 于上海宿舍 live.JUST YOU WAIT!!!
还可以 信息量不大。但经过相关人士的描述,仿佛感受到了它刚出现时的轰动和影响 “shows that are not really just shows, they are cultural movements in a particular direction.”
“Lin was the weakest performer of them all” 233333