黑色学府原名:School Daze,又名学校迷情
This film dealt with a lot of inner conflicts that African-Americans where unwilling to deal with at the time. Class struggles, light skinned vs. dark skinned and greeks vs. non-greeks. I just purchased it on DVD, but I remember seeing this film when it first came out in February of 1988 and it is just as powerful and entertaining now as it was then. It's amazing to look at thi...
This is between Dear White People Season 1 good and season 4 bad (which is somehow also a musical season). Had some fresh discussion on race, class, colorism and assimilation for the 80s, but the points come across missing in this day and age due to the blunt homophobia and misogyny. Still, if Grease can exist and be celebrated this should too.
~ I want your butt, that butt. Ain't nothing wrong if you want to do the butt all night long ~
要是不问美国人我真的不知道这片在讲什么。。。原来black community中间也有这么多乱七八糟的事。。但我觉得那兄弟会姐妹会真的好**。。。无法理解。。。
看了这部电影觉得自己对黑人的世界一点都不了解。 看过的spike lee的电影里这部是最没有开头结尾的一部。
靠机翻看得我一头雾水,似懂非懂。不过还是见到了刻板印象之外的东西—黑人群里内部的矛盾。 (希望接下来可以继续了解—美国黑人—非裔|希腊**…,昨晚刚开始看的《middlesex》就是相关设定,希腊**,在美国底特律) PS:giancarlo确实漂亮😍,好长的睫毛~ PPS:语言是人类最大的障碍,好希望是个混血儿,可以不仅通两国语言,还能了解文化。