红房子原名:The Rough House,又名毛坯房、闹剧之家
Roscoe, his wife and his mother-in-law run a seaside resort. Buster plays a gardener who puts out a fire started by Roscoe, then a delivery boy who fights with the cook St. John, then a cop. The Rough House (1917) is a short comedy film written and directed by and starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle and Buster Keaton. The Rough House was Keaton's first film as a director.
难道这是马戏吗?看点有二,一是stone face的基顿居然笑了,二是后来卓别林模仿的那个桥段。
巴斯特·基顿早期与罗斯科·阿巴克尔**的喜剧,当时还只是配角,基本上停留在闹剧阶段。Roscoe, his wife and his mother-in-law run a seaside resort. Buster plays a gardener who puts out a fire started by Roscoe, then a delivery boy who fights with the cook St. John, then a cop.
原来那个时候就有“瞬移”了,虽然很容易就能看出来是剪辑的。 大胖可能是最早表演面包舞的人,不过他的面包舞很简单,后来卓别林在《淘金记》**它发扬光大了。 基顿骑自行车被晾衣绳绊倒,以及《**之夜》中骑自行车被撞飞,为基顿后来的电影奠定了基础。 基顿那个时候怎么没发现自己有玩特技的天赋?
面包舞 应该就是卓大师的灵感来源。然后我觉得海狮的话有一定道理,基顿要比卓大师更会‘讲’故事 他不是在自己搞自己。
肥内装疯卖傻, 巴斯特·基顿跑下龙套。
早于卓别林淘金记的大胖哥的面包舞,快递小哥基顿。 https://***.bilibili****/video/BV17x411y7Rx/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_****_video.5
红房子 The Rough House (1917):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV17x411y7Rx/ —— 面无表情的观影过程。