野柳海邊的沙灘上,一具無首人形擱淺,遭潮水反覆沖刷拍打, 在沙灘上滾動著,無首軀體擺現各式姿態,在海天齊一的空間中 伸展著,不斷生成出如雕塑般造型,而潮起潮落的間隙間,亦物 亦人的女體來回閃現,直到雙手伸出,人形脫離了虛空,受到了 洗滌。 On the sandy shore at Yehliu, a headless human figure is beached and beaten by the waves. As the figure rolls along the sand, it takes on a variety of sculpture-like poses in the endless ***** where sea and sky seem to join as one. The human-like figure flicke...