Keep Sweet
Filmmaker shows a Mormon cult attacked from inside and outside Don Argott's documentaries, such as The Art of the Steal (NYFF 2009) and Framing John DeLorean (2019), openly reject objectivity and show a penchant for siding with someone he thinks has been wronged. Something akin to this pattern pops up again in his new film about a branch of the extreme Mormon FLDS Church (The F...
本来想看网飞那部结果选错了。这部视角更多样化吧。除了观看前有所了解的***的恶心事,还让我震撼的是剧里大学自愿加入***的christine的那段经历….. 对于她实在是观感复杂,投身于一个被指责**女***儿童的宗教可能是蠢,但自以为是践行信仰实际却是被欺骗,被作为研究素材取笑,为此被**被贩卖,她收到的**和精神的折磨怎么比warren这种魔鬼还深…..warren这神棍是**,但这位只被提了一嘴的无神论者也是彻头彻尾的**……这位冒充先知的男研究者在收到那些Chris被**后的照片是什么心情呢,是会觉得好笑甚至分享给其他实验设计者吗……只能说虽然价值取向不同,但这些男性在如何剥削凌虐女性上倒是认识一致。