Eight teenage girls are trapped at an endless birthday ***** in the canyons after a massive ecological *****. The girls’ sanity and psyches dissolve as they run out of food and water. Eventually, they regress to their baser instincts, exploiting each other’s fears and insecurities.
Kramer这部的艺术风格与表达更容易理解一些,那些烦躁的声响与女声细语尖叫融入歇斯底里的角色行为构成极富张力的惊悚戏剧。一半是女性版本的《禁闭》,隔绝环境下人类残忍控制懦弱盲从猜忌的天性逐渐释放,女孩们开始疯狂把其他女孩当作世界上最**的假想敌;一半是少女对成年与异性的惊惧不安,**被迫夺走、月经来临、男人被想象为永远潜伏着的**。她们耗尽了食物与水,尽情用妆容和睡衣**捍卫自己,高喊着“no man touches us”同时互相折磨永无止尽。
其实不差 摄影和节奏都很好 文艺类的惊悚 演员演技也在线 就是剧本太空泛 一个半小时没有什么内容
AMAZING! I mean I buy the concept, plus it's so visually pleasant (both costume design and girls), and it's weird and wild! It's not flawless, but some scenes just feel right! (The vibe, intention of fakeness of theater, psychological death and the implicit)
电影张力真的很强,但是这配乐剪辑真的非常魔性了,感觉自己再看就要和四个丫头一样疯掉了 。 。这部电影的主旨已经人物塑造非常贴近生活,但是电影的背景嘛 。。总的来说没有娱乐性,看得我很累
a prolonged glossier campaign?? (观众问导演为啥piper是piper 回答: i’ve always had a thing for redhead (same girl same
#LFF18# 评价一定会两极分化的很严重,个人属于是很喜欢的,张力很强,导演是个地道的weirdo, 第一部长片很惊艳,技巧有些不足但有态度,期待未来的片子。
The transition of girl-woman is literally crazy. “Grils never like each other.” Weird girls plus weird director, they’re super cute!!!