重访里斯本原名:Lisbon Revisited,
A dreamlike journey seen through the eyes of a trans-human as well as a kino-symphony of voices from the multiple personas of Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon Revisited shows alternative ways of looking at and hearing the ****. Celebrating its greatest phantom and confronting his ambiguous and pervasive sexuality, the film is spoken in the three languages in which Pessoa wrote, Portugue...
我得說,edgar pêra這部大概是我今年看過的最靠近“實驗”影像本身的東西,它完全證明了image+sound的力量(在這裡甚至超越詩歌文字!),在異色圖像之間,你能發現令人震驚的完美均衡的配色和律動,其中隱藏著美、情*與鄉愁。一部奇異瑰麗的作品,反而令文字和語言成為了配角。似乎會對我很有幫助!1220SAC