那些我们的国土原名:Ceux de chez nous,又名Those of Our Land
If the cinema had been invented earlier we could have seen Molière on stage and we would know exactly how to act his plays. So Guitry's purpose was to immortalize the artists, thanks to the "magic lantern". The silent sequences (1915) were presented by Guitry sitting at his desks as such is often the case. Saint-Saens, age 80, is conducting his orchestra and we see him face on,...
Sacha Guitry可能是我最无法忍受的**导演。讨厌程度超过Jacques Demy。本片纯粹就是1910年代版的与名人留影大全,他冲上去和**名人假装脸熟后面摄影师跟着拍俩镜头。然后配上1939年的他冲着摄像机没完没了地八名人的卦不胜其烦。唯一有价值的就是看到了年轻未成年的雷诺阿在给**当助手的镜头。