我们只剩下犯罪了原名:Non ci resta che il crimine,又名All You Need is Crime
In the present day, three friends to make ends meet invent a "criminal tour" for the places which were scenes of the Banda della Magliana criminal acts, even with vintage clothes. Suddenly they are catapulted in the 1982, during the Spain World Cup, facing the real Banda della Magliana, which at that time had the control over illegal bets. Written by theclubber
一个蹭82热度的电影(理直气壮地这么说,至少我罗射手比这帮人红多了)完美回避我ID就离谱🙂🙂🙂话说G Tognazzi好小只,和想象中还挺不一样的(。