Out of Order
Mark Colm is a family man torn between his love of his clinically depressed wife and their son and his attraction to another woman with whom he ultimately embarks on a passionate affair.
元素很丰富 很多场写得令人拍案叫绝 **呈现直接可信 表演也亲人 虽然从男主的视角把他写得好像太好了 danni这个角色也不错 分别的那支歌也是神来一笔 Mark和各个女性角色的戏都很耐看 动物对话 愤怒的公牛 谍战片雨夜 跳舞**青春片 扎实的**戏 水下那段**的不是** 而是众人眼皮底下的暗渡陈仓 “i am not gonna become ** mother”从一个男人口中说出 虽然后来被他请的黑人清洁稀释了分量 “down there with you,kiddo” guilty of being human做人要承受的太多了 太难了 follow the rat 教堂里的world marriage day 花下漫步 婚姻的秘诀 现实和电影版本 生活不是电影 你想要的究竟是什么