英式贵族:走进《尚流》杂志 第一季原名:Posh People: Inside Tatler Season 1,
Tatler is the oldest magazine in the world and has been reporting on the lives of Britain’s most privileged and powerful for 300 years. Tatler not only documents, but also dictates the social calendar of Britain’s elite. With an archive full of society’s movers and shakers being pictured in its pages it has long been a rite of passage for Britain’s ruling classes. In the first ...
EP1 印象最深刻的就是杂志社新来的那个,*丝样貌,看牙齿外形应该没戴过牙套的自称middle class的男雇员,说:“The middle class is becoming rich, have sort of destroyed the taste of Britain. "
了解一本杂志的内部运作很有意思,但是什么“**阶级”什么"old money""new money“真是够了, I really couldn't care less.
上流社会这个玩意 守门人这个角色 总之,特权阶级为所欲为,中产阶级循规蹈矩,劳动人民辛勤度日 大地主和土地**还没死绝?! 苏格兰一半的私有土地被外国人买走 毛子新贵在腐国很吃的开啊
头两集感觉有点儿rediculous,世界上发生那么多事 但还有人在纠结周二下午不能穿蓝色,但三集下来归根究底还是一种阶级反省,白手起家、劳动的、创造的new money正在占有继承的、金汤匙的old rich。
Why are we so obsessive about classes, lineages and the dying aristocratic world? Tatler还有中文版,叫《尚流》,蓝血真有市场。哦对了Kate Reardon在17年离职了。