类型: 纪录片
语言:英语 / Albanian
地区:美国 / 科索沃 / 阿尔巴尼亚
导演: Eliza Dushku
演员: Lulzim Basha Blerim Destani Eliza Dushku Nate Dushku Driton 'Tony' Dovolani
更新时间: 01-19 22:28
资源状态: 可播放
亲爱的阿尔巴尼亚原名:Dear Albania,
In the past few years, American actress Eliza Dushku, who is of mixed Danish and Albanian ancestry, has become passionately interested in and connected to the country of her father's ancestors. In Dear Albania, Eliza and her brother Nate travel to Albania where they explore 15 unique cities throughout the country. They discover Albania's present, its past and hear about its hop...
YT, tracks *道。与其说这个是纪录片,倒不如说是一个美女vlog,基本上就是Eliza Dushku在阿尔巴尼亚各个城市到处走走逛逛吃吃聊聊,期间夹杂着一些历史科普。还是挺美的一个国家,不过不太知名,夹在希腊和意大利之间,没啥存在感,不过历史遗迹什么的还是很可以。Eliza真的是**好看,甜美性感那种声音也超级好听,波士顿的宝藏🥰