少年安乐死原名:Teenage Euthanasia,
Set in near-future inland Florida, Teenage Euthanasia centers around the owners of Tender Endings funeral home, the Fantasy Family: Grandma Baba, her ***** children Uncle Pete and Trophy, and Trophy's teenage daughter, Euthanasia ("Annie"), a name accidentally given to her during the time of Trophy's own unbearable suffering. Back when Trophy was a **** herself; she ran away fr...
dzyn surely gives me feeling of safety n security. im flying too close to the sun. he said yea u can totally tell ** ** problems and then just pretend like hes interested, just do a seemingly listening face but didnt respond anything, i want to ask him what hes interested in, i probe or guess but theres no answer
设定太带感了! she fucked a raisin...
低开高走 我真受不了这种剧情 怎么都会让我哇哇哭 每集结尾的歌有在用心配 感恩 (trophy的**虫老大是开心汉堡店的louis配的)
故事挺一般但是我很喜欢 尤其是这个世界还有这些人的精神状态,很有趣
***** swim为我带来错乱的童话。好美丽
喜欢画风 日常元素的不日常脑洞~