沙普的荣誉原名:Sharpe's Honour,
Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan.All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain will leave Spain.The Spanish nobility, generals and church will have to be in agreement and bring pressure on the deposed King of Spain to sign a treaty with France. In a French garrison in Spain, Ducos has impounded the carriages of La Marquesa Helene M...
戏说色彩浓厚的TV剧。人物黑白分明,正面人物很传统,反面人物扁平化。豆子叔很有魅力,狂野的Marquesa Dorada也是一样。
这集莫名好看!!!!为荣誉而战的立意也比以往要深刻了一些,剧情方面依然简单紧凑,但是超级好看,沙普***时期007了,遭陷害被绑遇美女,一样不缺 (黑**和板鸭真是不遗余力了hhhh
别名《肖恩宾与鸡》这部豆真的好好看,女主角夫人好会骂,也好喜欢。这身破破烂烂的皮衣外套+手套颜值max 真的军宅**肖恩豆!!!
小人果然难防 还好正直的人最后能证明清白 肖恩的头发一集比一集长 这部哈普也当爹了 恭喜了啊 女主的头发简直就不像真的。。