神谕之死原名:Death In Holy Orders,又名P.D. James: Death In Holy Orders
New Scotland Yard Commander Adam Dalgleish is asked to have a second look at the death of Ronald Treeves, a student at St. Anselm's seminary. He was killed when a sand dune collapsed and buried him alive and a coroner's inquest ruled that it was an accident but his father refuses to accept the verdict. St. Anselm's is located on a desolate stretch of the English coast and holds...
剧情本身看乱了……不过感情线很棒。她已经把距离缩小到200米了剩下的就看你的了。想起马普尔**那句话:还有什么比看到有**终成眷属更让我高兴的~一颗星加给和原著人设**不符但是代入毫无违和感的Martin Shaw版戴立许。|2021.9.29 重看,很多关键细节前期埋了伏笔但镜头一带而过,一遍简直看不懂。。。
感谢大卡的片源和中文字幕。题材是我爱的悬疑。演员有martin shaw,有马普尔,有黑斯廷斯上校,满足。
一開始看馬丁肖這個版本還是很棒的,可看過Roy Marsden以後⋯雖然肖大叔比較帥,但還是老版8,90年代的拍得精細啊!
*People *** one after another*/ Emma: All I want to know is how you are thinking about me being engaged./ Dalgleish: Er... in case you haven't noticed I'm investigating a murder... 戴眼镜的Martin Shaw真让人把持不住
剧情太乱了 而且这个故事撑不住这么大家都很声嘶力竭的演法。。。MS帅到不要不要的。。。啊啊啊戴眼镜这感觉真是太勾人了。。。。感情线还是英国人习惯的脑补过度 不过其实这么处理比小说合理多了。。。还有就是Hugh Fraser好美好棒声音真是voice ****。。。