一切皆好原名:Songbird,又名Alright Now
ALRIGHT NOW follows Joanne (Cobie Smulders, "How I Met Your Mother") a rock musician who drunkenly enrolls in college after she breaks up with her boyfriend and her band falls apart. Convinced she will give the youngsters a run for their money, Joanne is shocked to discover that no one knows who she is and they could care less about her rock star past. Completely improvised and...
美国版片中片名即“Alright Now”;故事接近于性别反转的 Juliet, Naked ,在今年已上映的歌手影片中(再加上Nico, 1988、Hearts Beat Loud、Whitney),应该是画质最好的....(因为内容水准都差不多,那LadyGAGA的那部会不会凉呢?)同样,和最近上映的Destination Wedding一样,没有擦出浪漫火花,同样奉献了超级尴尬的床戏(未遂)...
就算是cool hand luke都帮不到你
不得不說,女主寇碧的美貌和演技拯救了整部電影。女主偶遇的男主,原本只是逢場作戲的對象,經過三番兩次的折騰最終發展出愛情來,也是一種緣分使然。 幾次乾柴烈火的情況下,男主毅然退縮,也真是無語了,褲子都脫了,你居然說停就停,可能也正因為如此吧,最終才讓女主發現,自己內心想要的和表面想做的,原來並不是同一樣東西,最終女主追隨了內心。
男主好烦 Cobie好美 没啥剧情 一通瞎玩 所以只是打发时间随便看看