逃色情劫原名:The Runaway,
Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty are brought up together in the East End. As the daughter of a prostitute, Madge, Cathy's life is difficult, especially when everyone assumes that she will be following in her mother's footsteps. But when Cathy is forced to protect Madge from a violent attack by a punter it changes her life forever. Cathy is taken into care but she suffers instit...
One big star for Alan Cumming~~~
4后面找不到在线了,也不高兴下载 弃了
ep2 Alan Cumming忽然女装出现吓死我了。。。/实在是太狗血了没啥意思,而且我牙痛的生不如死,无论剧情如何虐都不如生理痛苦。
四星里面至少有两星是因为太喜欢魂淡Jack O'Connell... 作为黑帮片意义不大,作为爱**更贴切一些;另外为毛男猪脚姓Docherty 啊?我才没有想到这和某人的姓就差一个字母呢。。
本来是为Jack去看的结果看到Alan叔 很惊喜而且我爱他演的这个角色!
片子还不错,就是剧情实在太狗血了!(不过会有往下看的**。。 Burn!简!直!帅!我!一!脸!血!!!!!!!!!!!_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ 以及Richard Gates真是一个痴汉