"Threshold, made five years later, aptly offers points of comparison with Little Dog For Roger. Le Grice no longer simply uses the printer as a reflexive mechanism, but utilises the possibilities of colour-shift and permutation of imagery as the film progresses from simplicity to complexity. The initial use of pure red and green filters gives way to a broad variety of colours a...
Le Grice不再简单地将打印机用作反射机制,而是利用了随着电影从简单到复杂的过程中图像的颜色变化和排列的可能性……随着电影在具象、摄影图像方面的巅峰,人们会期待图像的“丰富性”达到顶峰;然而,拼接条的持续证据、找到的短片片段的循环和重复,以及过滤后的循环的冲突叠加,都重申了破译电影图像所必需的工作。