踢云原名:Kicking the Clouds,
An experimental documentary, Kicking the Clouds is centered on a 50-year-old cassette tape of a Pechanga language lesson between the director’s grandmother and *****-grandmother, and contextualized by an interview with his mother in his Pacific Northwest hometown.
# Doc Fortnight 2022: MoMA’s Festival of International Nonfiction Film and *****# 前入围2022圣丹斯短片竞赛及柏林短片竞赛。非常棒的原住民题材,Found footage家庭录像加上采访(声画对位),母亲讲述外婆及曾外祖母的身份、语言(Pechanga language / Luiseño)及家族中女性的历史,内容和形式都非常符合当下潮流。
【Doc Fortnight 2022】质感还是很棒的
[Berlinale Shorts] 一眼就能认出西雅图/温哥华的树 前几天还梦到了
#Sundance2022# Pacific Northwest 最美~