美国孩子原名:Us Kids,
Determined to turn unfathomable tragedy into action, the teenage survivors of Parkland, Florida catalyze a powerful, unprecedented youth movement that spreads with lightning speed across the country, as a generation of mobilized youth take back democracy in this powerful coming-of-age story.
on high school students' gun control movement 較平衡地描繪幾個主要的leader 較煽情同片面 but worth watching
帕克兰**的后续,另可参考Parkland: Inside Building 12、After Parkland;对这一批年轻人最大的影响除了禁枪的主张(尤其Emma Gonzalez的演讲已经成为一种标志),遭受创伤、投身政治**永远的改变了一生的信仰