视觉训练原名:Visual Training,
"Visual Training" is a short 1969 experimental film from the Netherlands. The film looks so ahead of its time, with its goth makeup and gritty look. I wonder if Marylin Manson or the band the Misfits have ever seen Visual Training? A man and two topless ladies sit at a ***** and eat. They grotesquely smear food on one another. The one girl is blindfolded and covered with baking...
expressionist, Keaton-like figure, final zoom into a close-up
你知不知道** 或者说像**一样的人其实是很可爱的呀 虽然他们怯于表达 但她们从来不会拒绝你颤抖的爱
**版资源 虽然没有太多限制级镜头但观感就是让人很不舒* 不喜这样的实验电影 特别是目前海报的这个遮眼造型