小黄人童子军原名:Minion Scouts,
When Margo, Agnes and Edith return from Badger Scout camp, three of the Minions are entranced by the girls' merit badges. Their own attempt at scout camp results in attracting a bear, eating poison berries and eventually blowing up a dam, creating a massive flood. But, when they arrive back home, the girls share their badges, encouraging the rest of the Minions to try their han...
可可**的小东西们【小黄人番外】小黄人童子军2019-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/8q8MH9E
才知道这个《小黄人侦察兵》短片的存在。& 能“**”的话,看某些冷门短片也就方便了。—— 呃,有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。+ 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。这个短片原来是随《爱宠大机密2》发行的。https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1E4411m7Qm?p=2
吃了野果子中毒致幻那段好评 太可爱了吧!!
小黄人在夏令营,超可爱~ 是捣蛋鬼,是惹祸精,是机灵鬼,是快乐的源泉~