雄鹿之夜原名:The Night of the Stag,
Whilst temperance campaigners,led by fervent,ex-alcoholic parson Norman Grigor,protest against the Midsomer Abbas May Festival,the body of Peter Slim,a revenue inspector investigating illicit stills,is found dumped in a cider vat. The murder weapon,an apple tree harvester which shook him to death,belongs to boozy cider mill owner Anthony Devereux, a man with something to hide t...
Nicholas Martin编剧的特点是剧情荒谬但精彩,这集更胜之前的****** Class,两集牧师都是受害者,而且被**段都差不多;换人后一个特点是抓捕凶手的场面更惊险,以前的凶手被捕时总是很平静交代罪行,新版凶手则总是要垂死挣扎一番,甚至威胁主角生命。