野性目标原名:Cible émouvante,又名Wild Target
Into the solitary life of middle-aged hitman, Victor Meynard, come two people: Antoine, a youth who becomes Victor's apprentice, and Renée, a bold thief Victor's been hired to kill because she cheated a mobster. When circumstances prevent Victor from killing her, the gangster sends two **** teams to do it (and to dispatch Victor and Antoine). Victor decides to **** Renée, and t...
原来Guillaume Depardieu年轻时这么帅!不过我还是更喜欢今年的英国翻拍,比较闹腾更好笑
Pierre Salvadori是宝藏,**作如此给力!剧情对白克制,配乐恰到好处,角色或正经或迷糊地制造**黑色幽默,乐子完全不输闹腾款的喜剧片。和翻拍版比最爱的是Marie Trintignant的女骗子Renée,一个任她胡来任她作都讨厌不起来的存在,Marie让一切如此合理(没错,真的被翻拍版Rose设定烦到)