银色金星原名:La Vénus d'argent,又名Spirit of Ecstasy
Written by the director together with Noé Debré and Emily Barnett, the story of La Vénus d’argent unfolds in present-day Corbeil-Essonnes. Jeanne Francoeur is 24 years old. She lives in a dilapidated gendarmerie barracks. The daughter of a gendarme who has been beaten by life and the eldest of three children for whom she herself is responsible, Jeanne has banked on ****** a liv...
刚看完《霸道总裁爱上我》《酷儿与大兵》《巴黎金融风云》 ——波尔多**电影节
看预告片以为是女主骗别人 看完发现是女主被人骗 全程浑浑噩噩 还是快结局的时候两首歌比较好听~