与我共进大餐原名:Come Dine with Me,
discovery travel and living/uk food&cookery channel reality tv.
although there are wide range of cookery programs, like ****** Chef in somewhere, I still fancy Come Dine With Me, ****** British Accents and humours.
哈哈哈哈为什么这个不能标“在看”!Trash tv can be sooooo good! 傻笑的同时,能看到来自不同地域、文化、背景、阶层的形形**的人,短短几十分钟看遍**不同的人生和视角,不失为破除**及偏见的一剂猛药。其中辛辣讽刺(又超好笑)的旁白更是击穿一切虚荣、虚伪和傲慢。Rule no. 1: never take yourself too seriously.
才开始看 吃什么都是浮云 毒舌吐槽和奇葩host才是亮点啊
One of ** favourite...It's funny to see strangers sharing food together. When it comes to Britons, Oh haha -- it's triple fun!
真的超好笑印象最深的英综之一 channel4不愧是你
我在英国最喜欢的节目,all in 4是我的最爱~
come dine with me, every day, all the time,pshhhhh 好吧