阵雨之间原名:Between Showers,
Charlie and another man compete in trying to **** a young lady cross a muddy street. The rival finds a wooden plank which Charlie takes from him. They fight over an umbrella belonging to the rival. A policeman settles the dispute, ultimately arresting the rival. An innocent tramp is pushed into the lake.
1914-02-28 ,阵雨之间。Charlie and another man compete in trying to **** a young lady cross a muddy street. The rival finds a wooden plank which Charlie takes from him. They fight over an umbrella belonging to the rival. A policeman settles the dispute, ultimately arresting the r
阵雨之间 Between Showers (1914):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Kx411b7XC
Between Showers (1914) typical 室外slapstick. 有少许正反打。空间感大都割裂。大量交叉剪辑。三个男人的闹剧。ASL~8
流浪汉形象的第一次成熟。饰演一个滑稽的**者。。。卓别林的表演天赋一览无遗。。。。。。卓别林和Ford Sterling这个舞台表演狂魔的第一次正式**
卓别林自编自导自演,因伞和女孩子引起的嬉闹喜剧。“萨杜尔曾在《查利·卓别林》一书中说到,“1914年2月28日第一批看到《阵雨之间》这部滑稽片的观众们,可以说一句:我看到了夏尔洛的诞生。””(郑雅玲、胡滨,《外国电影史》 40)