In 1970, it seems as if Roland Klick set out to emulate Sergio Leone's "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly", mixing it with Michelangelo Antonioni's "Zabriskie Point" to ****** a modern Sauerkraut Western (without horses, but rather a truck and a car). The story stars three characters, Marquard Bohm as the "Kid" (The Good), Siegurd Fitzek as "Mr. Sunshine" (The Bad), and Mario Ado...
二刷。所有人都不是彻底的大恶***都怀着一点私心,才将到处都是出路的故事走成了死局。经典西部片中光辉的英雄形象仿佛房子上摇摇晃晃随时断臂的牛仔纸人,而最后Sunshine理智的崩盘和Kid的反杀更将英雄主义彻底摧毁。暴力运用的恰到好处,THE CAN的配乐是影片的灵魂,最后一段的卡碟帅哭了。女主好漂亮,仿佛一碰就碎的陈旧的芭比娃娃。4
我下了个英语版的 应该看德语版的 虽然没啥道理 不过还是挺暴力挺有趣的