重放人生原名:Retour à la vie,又名Return to Life
Five prisoners ,a woman and **** men,return to France after WW2.We follow their rocky road to life.It's a movie which consists of five different stories.Aunt Anna comes back from a concentration camp but her family is **** interested in her money; Antoine becomes a waiter in a place commandeered by an English all-female regiment.A wounded German takes refuge in Jean's boarding-...
Henri-Georges Clouzot导演的是第三个故事
制片人 Jacques Roitfeld 整合的一部合集 Jean Dréville 最后的德国女爱情故事老套 但是 René 的回归很喜欢 Clouzot 的虽然有着反写对立双方 不过也是模式化 倒是一组上菜汤的蒙太奇有点儿意思 Georges Lampin 的女军官们最富有喜剧色彩