周六夜现场:大卫·哈伯/卡米拉·卡贝欧原名:Saturday Night Live David Harbour/Camila Cabello,
Sesame Grouch笑裂~ **祖父祖母也是太污了,Kate姐反串起来就是🐮!卡妹你太美,歌又好听又是劳模,啊,我又被圈粉了~ 话说伍迪考虑常驻imitate拜登吗~
这集质量好高 cold open星光闪闪;monologue好久没见Backstage tour和Lorne本人了;WU我最喜欢的角色也回来了
Cold open 很赞,cameo好多,后面的 sketch 一般般吧
这集编剧用心了,Time song本季最佳,Sauce sketch怎么做到不笑场的,伍迪哈里森和林聚聚考虑一下常驻吧,卡妹现场很稳
who is this guy. looks familiar,but no idea where have i seen it
SNL里乐队段子有不好听的么?!!!welcom back Pete
Hop-i put on 20 pounts for stranger things noboday asked me哈哈哈哈 要被pete笑死突然出现 龙哥好可爱!he knows ** name哈哈哈哈 joker那个在bronx stair跳舞现在好火 Leslie is gone and she is like ** wife哈哈哈Leslie明明喜欢Colin
do whatever u want idc. wild guess aint good for me. guesses ruined me, like, no **** prolonging the inevitable, i guess ppl rly let these 0 dance before their eyes fool themselves, its kinda like highway hypnosis, those bowel movements to bowel movements b1tches just a f waste of time for me i wont let any of ** precious time wasted on em p1gs, i know sometimes ** attitude could be so passive-aggressive, so if u could just please let those filthy creatures out of ** eyes so ill get better as u wish.. do i have to come right out n say this? do i? i kept acting like i give the first th1t but the only thing i want is just u.