Set in 1939 tells a story of friendship among three 10-year olds, living in town of Sosnowiec: a Polish and Jewish boys and a German girl. The Jewish boy's parents are killed and he is wounded and left for dead, but saved by the other two. Polish boy sees his baby brother taken from his mother to be raised by an Aryan family, after Polish resistance members are found in his hom...
Set in 1939 tells a story of friendship among three 10-year olds, living in town of Sosnowiec: a Polish and Jewish boys and a German girl. The Jewish boy's parents are killed and he is wounded and left for dead, but saved by the other two. Polish boy sees his baby brother taken from his mother to be raised by an Aryan family, after Polish resistance members are found in his hom...
青葱岁月高清正片在线观看 。 更新于,播放来源于腾讯。
青葱岁月高清正片在线观看。 更新于,播放来源于腾讯。