路易·C·K:老招笑了原名:Louis C.K.: Hilarious,
Comedian Louis C.K. gleefully transcends the boundaries of good taste in a stand-up comedy special in which no topic is sacred – including his own children. Whether ranting about impatience in contemporary society, his ballooning physique, or the trials of fatherhood, C.K. has a curious talent for keeping an audience in stitches even – or especially – as they’re recoiling in ab...
某些joke三俗如此有哲理让我都不忍直视 他说每次射完了感觉像绿巨人变回人类那个不知道为什么好有同感= =
词汇使用的探讨:为什么人们现在动不动就用最高级词汇,如果真的遇到什么事情该怎么形容? 我太喜欢**C.K的小女儿了!2010的**C.K比现在有活力太多了。
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 幸亏在家看的可以肆无忌惮一边大笑一边按住眼角防皱纹
找了半天也没有带翻译的完整版,凭着我不入流的英语水平竟也听明白了~~***尿屁啊~~~跟russell peters还有chris rock比起来,比较像跟你唠家常~好像邻居家的一个funny guy~